Spending time looking after your hair is important whether you are frequent business traveller or stay at home husband and dad. Making your hair care program as easy as possible is important, and there are a couple of things, you should be packing in your hair care tool kit.
You will find ladies do have what can only be referred to as a tool kit when it comes to looking after their hair. A well thought out kit, should be part of your itinerary. For instance, you may want to include pair of hair clippers, a good brush and comb, and a shampoo which suits your hair.
Best shampoos for men
Most hair care tips for men, don’t talk about shampoo, but choosing the right shampoo is important when it comes to hair care. Women seem to spend an eternity in the supermarket aisle finding the right shampoo. There is really no need to do that at all, but there is one thing you need to know about shampoo. A good shampoo is as important for the scalp as it is for your hair. Having an itchy scalp is not pleasant in any situation.
Focus on investing in a shampoo which does not contain sulphate, parabens, or too many other artificial ingredients, such as perfumes. Parabens are derivatives from the petro chemical industry, and are strongly associated with dandruff and other scalp conditions such as eczema. They don’t offer any benefit to hair care, and it is better to do without them. Instead, invest in a quality shampoo which will give your hair a more natural appearance.
The brush vs comb problem
The brush vs comb issue plague a lot of men. Your hairdresser, or barber, may use a comb, but the days of men carrying a comb in their back pocket, have long since past. It is a matter of personal preference at the end of the day, but a brush can help to stimulate hair growth. By using a brush, you will stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, and it may just help you if you are bit “follicly challenged”.
When you use a comb for hair care, you may find you press too hard, and this could damage your scalp. Stop and think about it for a minute, and you will soon realise your hairdresser does not push the comb through the hair all the way down to your scalp. It is a bit of an art form learning not to press the comb down too hard, and still get a good finish.
To colour your hair or not to colour your hair
Most hair care tips for men talk about hair colour more than they may talk about shampoos or hair clippers. Using a good quality hair colour should be part of your arsenal if you feel you need to dye your hair. Once again, it is important to pick one which suits you. User friendly hair colour kits can be bought in most stores and online if you are too busy to pop to the shops.
A top tip is to avoid hair colour kits which contain ammonia. Not only can ammonia irritate your scalp, and at the same time, make hair loss worse. However, ammonia free hair dyes, last for longer once applied, and cover grey hairs better.
Hair clippers
Hair clippers can be described as the ultimate men’s grooming tool. Don’t for one minute think women do not trim, or cut their hair, when they need to. As a matter of fact, women are known to trim their own fringes, or cut away that little whisky bit, between hair cuts with a professional. However, they do not have the advantage of using using hair clippers as most ladies do have longer hair than men.
If you are a busy man, good quality hair clippers are the one thing you should have handy whether you are at home or on a trip. They are easy to pack, and can be stored in the bathroom cabinet to be accessed quickly to keep your hair in shape between cuts.
Top hair care tips for men do not need to be made complicated. It is unlikely you will have lots of spare time to spend on your hair, and keeping your hair care routine down to a minimum, is essential when you lead a busy modern life.