Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Your Hair?

The short answer is yes. But that one word doesn’t make such a great read and probably isn’t enough to convince you, so here is a bit more information about it.

Most of us only know cider vinegar as simply the partner to olive oil in a salad dressing – but it’s so much more than that. It has a wealth of uses in health, being packed with enzymes, good bacteria and can help you to achieve an ideal PH balance in your body. But how does it affect the hair?

1. PH Balance

Our hair and scalps generally have a PH level of between 4.5 and 5.5. This keeps the scalp safeguarded against bacterial and fungal growth, and ensures healthy hair and skin. However, many shampoos and hair products can change this natural PH and can affect the hair and the skin of the scalp.

Apple cider vinegar’s PH is similar to that of human hair, so regularly rinsing with apple cider vinegar (ACV) can restore the ideal acidity. This is especially effective for those with oily hair.

2. Antibacterial

ACV contains acetic acid, which is an antimicrobial agent that can kill bacteria and fungus. This means it is great for those who suffer with dandruff, and can help to prevent flaking.

3. Cleansing

If, like many of us, you use a lot of products on your hair, you could suffer from product build-up, which can make your hair look dull and lifeless. ACV can break up the molecules of these products, leaving your hair looking gorgeous and shiny again.

4. Detangling

Fantastic for those who have super knotty hair, or even for those with small children who want to reduce the tears at brushing time! ACV’s natural acidity smoothes the shaft of the hair, allowing the brush to glide through knots.

5. Adds shine

Smoothing the shaft of the hair increases the light-reflecting properties of the strands. The hair is better able to reflect light after an ACV rinse, meaning that it appears glossier and more shiny.

6. Prevents hair loss

This sounds like a wild claim, but it could actually be true. ACV stimulates better blood circulation to the scalp and the hair follicles, meaning that they will be stimulated and better able to protect themselves. Having a good blood flow also means that nutrients will be better able to be carried to the follicles too, which can also stimulate hair growth.

7. Can prevent split ends

There are a huge amount of products out there that promise to be able to do this – who would have thought that one of them was quietly sitting in your kitchen cupboard, and costs a fraction of the price of many others that promise to do the same thing? By reducing the need for tough brushing, closing the cuticles and improving the porousness of your hair, you will be working towards reducing your split ends.


So, now you have read all the benefits, you’ll be wanting to know how you can use this wonder ingredient to improve the health of your hair this summer! Well, it really is simple.

First, you need to get the right apple cider vinegar. There are a lot of them out there on supermarket shelves, but you only want the ones that are organic, raw and unfiltered. This means that they contain all of the good stuff you want, which hasn’t been killed by pasteurisation.

Don’t go for the wonderfully clear vinegars, you want a cloudy ACV because this is the one that contains “The Mother” – this ominous sounding name simply means that the vinegar contains all the good bacteria that contribute to the vinegar’s awesome properties.

How to do an ACV hair rinse

How to do an ACV hair rinse? It’s very simple.

  • Blend 230 ml of water with 2-4 tablespoons of ACV
  • Shampoo and rinse your hair
  • Pour the ACV mixture over your scalp, making sure it doesn’t get into your eyes
  • Massage into the scalp, and leave for a few minutes
  • Rinse

That’s it! If you have oily hair, start with 4 tablespoons of ACV, and if your tresses are dry then 2 should do. You can adjust the mix over time once you have worked out what is best for your hair. You can repeat this process once a month, or more frequently – about once a week is recommended for most hair and scalp issues.

If you have any kind of hair issue – from dandruff to split ends to greasy roots – ACV rinses can be your new best friend. Try it (and don’t worry about smelling like a pickled onion – the vinegar smell will disappear like magic once your hair dries). Is apple cider vinegar good for your hair? Absolutely.

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